M²S - Microseismic Monitoring System
M²S is a microseismic monitoring system based on the integration of geophysical data developed with national technology. The system was specifically designed for the monitoring and safety of geotechnical structures such as dams and slopes.
Uniaxial and Triaxial Sensors
Full Wireless System
Interactive dashboard

Microseismic Monitoring

Conventional approach monitoring natural and anthropogenic active sources from seismograms to obtain seismic source parameters;
Passive approach, in which ambient noise is used, based on the seismic interferometry technique to monitor the variation in speed in the environment.
M²S - Data and Results

Temporal and spatial location
Hypocentral Distance
Corner Frequency
Seismic Moment
Local and Momentum Magnitude
PGV vs. Frequency (ABNT standard)
Variation of speed over time and space (interferometry)